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Renee's Meditation Story: Experience the true beauty of existence

Updated: Mar 20

Before I started at Mandurah Meditation, I felt very lost and my mind was very chaotic, restless, never satisfied, confused and often sad.

Alcohol and travelling were my vices to escape my mind.

I often thought the world was strange and futile, questioning why humans live with wars and suffering on a tiny planet orbiting in space.

During the introduction seminar, the answers to all the questions I had about life became so obvious. It was so simple, we live inside our own picture world, which is false.

Even after a few sessions I felt some temporary relief, the more subtracted the more the world became brighter and more beautiful and the more a sense of peace and joy would appear.

Not only did the subtraction method help immensely with my mental state, I also came to realise why we are here and who our true selves are, not knowing these answers cause a lot of stress and confusion prior.

I strongly urge every human being to try this unique and special method of subtraction and follow it to the end, if you dont, you will never experience the true beauty of existence. So stop being scared of the unknown, the only thing you have to lose is your stress and confusion.

I am so very grateful to the method ot show me the real beautiful world that was hidden under my emotional and mental garbage. So very thankful to all the helpers and teachers that devote their whole lives and hearts to helping people free themselves from their own pointless mind worlds.

Also thank you to all the amazing real friends I have found here, everyone becomes a true friend the moment you step through the door.

I hope soon everyone can cleanse their minds and we all live in harmony with eternal peace and limitless joy.

Thank you.

Renee J. / Perth, Western Australia

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1 Comment

Aug 31, 2023

Awesome story Renee! 😃

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